What to Include In Your Diet after a Tummy Tuck Richmond


Though all surgical procedures have guidelines for minimizing complications and hastening healing, a tummy tuck Richmond Hill, or abdominoplasty, has particularly crucial dietary needs. This is because your post-surgery diet determines your tissue regeneration and reconstruction while playing a vital role in healing. Doctors will often have strict guidelines on what you can eat in the first week after surgery. Here are the foods the doctors might recommend.


Proteins build new structures and cells efficiently when healing. This is crucial to replenish the cells destroyed when your doctor got rid of excess tissue during a tummy tuck Richmond Hill. Dairy products, meat, and beans are good sources of proteins for your recovery period. If these seem hard for you to eat, you can have them in a protein shake.


You need vitamins to aid in the healing of your incision, boost skin regeneration, reduce bruising and lower the risk of infection after an abdominoplasty. Include vitamin A from dairy, cod liver oil, and eggs in your diet and Vitamin C from leafy greens and fruits. You can also opt for vitamin supplements though the healthier source is vitamins from food.


Dehydration is among the most dangerous this after a tummy tuck Richmond Hill. When dehydrated, your body will not transmit enough nutrients to the surgical site, and you might become constipated, which causes abdominal pain. Ensure you take not less than 64 ounces of water in a day during your recovery period. You can also take light tea, soups, and fruit juices.

During your recovery period from an abdominoplasty, avoid alcohol, cigarettes, bad fats, processed foods, and salt. Your post-surgical diet does not mean negating delicious foods. It only encourages the above nutritious and healthy foods that guarantee you maintain a stunning body to match your flat tummy.

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